
Monday, 21 January 2013

Installing VMware tools on debian

So whenever I install a new debian install onto ESXI the first thing is too install vmware tools.   After finding many versions of how to do it this is a simple list of the steps needed. The following works for ESXI 5.0 but should be the same in other flavours of VMware.

Firstly select install VMware Tools in vSphere Client.

Next mount the vmware tools image as a CD:

cd /mnt
mkdir cd
mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cd/

I always copy VMware tools out of the install CD:

cp VMwareTools-8.6.5-621624.tar.gz /tmp/

Next extract the tar:

cd /tmp/
tar -xf VMwareTools-8.6.5-621624.tar.gz 
Make sure necessary kernel headers and gcc are installed:

 apt-get update
 apt-get install gcc linux-headers-$(uname -r)

Finally change to the install directory and run install:

 cd vmware-tools-distrib/